
Watch videos on Vidixpress and earn unlimitedly.

Watch, react, comment and like video and earn points which can be converted to real cash.

Terms of use


  1. Content Team:

   -  Responsibilities:  Curate, categorize, and manage the video content library.

   -  Members:  Content curators, editors, and metadata specialists.

  1. Development Team:

   -  Responsibilities:  Build and maintain the website and associated applications.

   -  Members:  Web developers, software engineers, UI/UX designers.

  1. Marketing Team:

   -  Responsibilities:  Promote the platform, engage with the audience, and implement marketing strategies.

   -  Members:  Marketing specialists, social media managers, content creators.

  1. Customer Support Team:

   -  Responsibilities:  Address user inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and gather feedback.

   -  Members:  Customer support representatives, community managers.

  1. Legal and Compliance Team:

   -  Responsibilities:  Ensure adherence to copyright laws, licensing agreements, and handle legal matters.

   -  Members:  Legal experts, compliance officers.

  1. Quality Assurance (QA) Team:

   -  Responsibilities:  Test the platform for functionality, performance, and user experience.

   -  Members:  QA testers, test engineers.



  1. Content Quality Standard:

   - Ensure that all videos meet a predefined standard of quality and align with the platform's content guidelines.

  1. User Privacy and Security:

   - Implement robust security measures to protect user data and privacy.

  1. Regular Content Updates:

   - Maintain a regular schedule for updating the content library to keep it fresh and engaging for users.

  1. Responsive Design:

   - Ensure that the website and applications have a responsive design for a seamless user experience across devices.

  1. Community Guidelines:

   - Clearly define and communicate community guidelines to foster a positive and respectful user community.

  1. Legal Compliance:

   - Stay up-to-date with copyright laws and licensing agreements to avoid legal issues.

  1. Feedback Mechanism:

   - Implement a feedback system for users to provide suggestions and report issues, fostering continuous improvement.

  1. Marketing Metrics:

   - Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for marketing efforts, such as user acquisition, engagement, and conversion rates.

  1. Scalability Plan:

   - Develop a plan for scalability to accommodate a growing user base.

  1. Regular Training and Development:

    - Provide ongoing training for team members to stay updated on industry trends and best practices.


By defining these teams and conditions, you set the groundwork for a well-rounded and successful "VidiXpress" project. Adjustments can be made based on the specific needs and goals of your platform.